Q&A Pre-Wedding

Please complete and send back at least 1 week prior to your wedding day to help me take amazing photographs on your wedding day.

If there are any sections that are not relevant please write N/A


Person 1 full name-

Best contact number-

Person 2 full name-

Best contact number-

Names of key people involved in your day e.g. mums, dads, bridesmaids/men and groomsmen/women, ushers, grandparents-

Will there be any elderly relatives attending? I think it is so important to show special attention to elderly relatives  and to get photos with them early on as they can often get tired. If so please list names and relationships to you both. 

Where are person 1 preparations taking place, full address, including postcode- 

Where are person 2 preparations taking place, full address, including postcode-


What time will person 1 party leave to travel to the ceremony location-

What time will your hair and make up be finished, ideally this would be at least 45 mins before the ceremony, this will allow time for some beautiful portraits of you and also gives you some time to do some deep breathes relax.


Ceremony location -

Full Address, include postcode -

Type of ceremony (Registrar, Humanist, Religious, Spiritual etc) -

Your celebrant’s name -

Are you having an unplugged wedding? (no guest cameras, phones, etc during the ceremony) - 

Key contact at your venue, i,e wedding co-ordinator. Please include their contact details -

How many daytime guests are attending -

Ceremony starts at -

Are there any photography restrictions during the ceremony? (This is something you will need to check with your celebrant)

Will there be readings, by whom and at what stage of the ceremony -

I always shoot natural pictures of couples signing the register. 

Ceremony finishes at -


Reception location -

Full Address, include postcode-

Are you having confetti/bouquet/garter throwing? Please specify: 

What time are guests being called to dinner-

Meals: If you have booked me for full day coverage, please confirm that a meal will be provided/Or not. Pescatarian or veggie option please. 

Are the speeches before or after dinner-

How many speeches in total-

Are you formally cutting the cake, and if so, at what time-

What time are evening guests arriving, if any-

What time is the first dance-

What song are you having for your first dance-



Please list below, the Group shots you require, I advise a maximum of 6. From experience any more than this can prove to be quite tiring for you and your guests. I am happy to do more if required though, it’s your day! We can discuss this over the phone if you think it would be helpful. 

Names of people in each group.

Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Group 4

Group 5

Group 6

It is super helpful to have Ushers/Gatherers primed to collect people for groups, please print and pass your list to them also. 

Group shot helper(s) name(s) please -

I will also have a spare list for them printed out to reference from.


Celebrants name - 

Your dress, designer and store - 

Your suit/kilt, designer and store - 

Shoes - 

Flowers -

Hair & Make-up -

Videographer -

Who is making your cake -

Music / entertainment -

Please list any other suppliers, including caterers, venue stylist, cars, MC/ toastmaster etc - 

If you’re happy, I’d love to tag you both on my Social Media posts, please provide your Instagram names if you’re on it. 



Getting to know you

Finally a bit of fun to help get to know each other a little better. From my years of experience I know how to capture beautiful, fun and natural photos of you and your guests enjoying your wonderful day. These questions are designed to help us get to know each other a bit more and have fun on the day so I have given some of my answers too :)

Please don’t worry if you don’t want to answer them all or struggle to do so. It’s just a bit of fun! 

Where did you meet-

What was the proposal like, Where was it-

If you had to choose one music track to listen to on repeat what would it be-

Mine would be - I found you - Axwell. It’s a bit cheesy but it was a song I danced to loads with my wife when we first met, it brings back so many amazing memories. 

If you could go on holiday tomorrow where would it be?

I would go to a beautiful surf town in Mexico called Sayulita ( well worth a visit) 

What’s your favourite thing to do on a Sunday-

I love spending lots of time outside, go for a bike ride, walk or to the beach with my family.

Do you have any special skills or hidden talents that would be fun to photograph - 

I can do the break dancing move the worm, although it never really goes that well, especially

after few drinks on a night out.

Thank you so much for filling this out. You are going to have the most awesome day and I can’t wait to capture it all for you. 

All the best, 
